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Magic Milestone Met

 Day 102 - after stem cell transplant The magic milestone means that it's time to see how well the transplant worked. Tomorrow, April 18, 2023 Leila gets the follow up bone marrow biopsy where myeloma cells will be counted down to 10 to the 6th power.  Results will be available next week which will state either positive or negative  Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) . If there are fewer than 1 in a million cells -and that's what we want - it's  NEGATIVE.   Here's a statement that helped us understand how there could possibly be any remaining myeloma after all that chemo.  Myeloma cells are not easily destroyed, and some will survive, even after the high-dose chemotherapy just prior to stem cell transplant. The chemo only targets myeloma cells that are actively dividing and not the ones that are "sleeping," or out-of-cycle. Therefore, after the transplant, it is most common to receive maintenance chemotherapy to fight those myeloma cells still lingering in the
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More about Multiple Myeloma - if interested

Some folks are wanting to know more.  Others are not so interested in the details.  We thought we'd put it out there and let you choose whether or not you want to read it.  This whole journey has been quite fascinating from a scientific perspective, but sometimes it's hard to remain objective.  After all, this is a loved one we're talking about.  And there are always risks and unexpected twists and turns.  We're hopeful that Leila will avoid all those obstacles and sail through this with relative ease. If you want to know more about multiple myeloma here's a very good overview..

Not yet

 Leila wrote this last Frida, Jan. 27, but forgot to post: Hello friends and family- Thanks for your comments here, text messages, voice mail messages and calls.  Today, I have something significant to share - I am now free to floss my teeth again. When one's platelets are low blood doesn't clot so well. So in addition to avoiding infection at all costs, I have had to be extra careful about any little nick or cut, else I might bleed out. I figure if women have babies, this woman can go a few weeks without flossing, without trimming nails, and without blowing my nose. Now, that my platelets are at normal range here's my summary of these abstentions. I'm picking up the floss and it will never leave my side. Ever again. Not even for just one night will I let that ritual get disturbed. On the nails, I've asked Kristin to help me with all 20.  Platelet counts chart Jan 3-22 Seems that the big doses of steroids have caused cataracts to begin forming and my eyesight is ju

I'm Home! We're Both Home!

01.18.2023 Day 13 It feels sooo good!  My numbers popped up today just as they said they would.  Yesterday 400, today 1100.  Still way off from the norm of 140,000, but it's a start and an indicator that the stem cells have engrafted.   There is nothing like the creaks and groans of our home.  Familiar sounds, familiar smells, familiar surroundings pull me back into its cozy bosom.  If you've ever been to our house, you know we have decorated in some pretty bold colors, and I was so happy to see the mango, asparagus and tomato soup colored walls.  It felt really good to get back into the kitchen to putter and nest - there is a place for everything and everything has a place, instead of having adult diapers sitting next to the breakfast cereal in the window sill for all to see. Thanks to everyone for being a part of our journey these past few weeks.  We still have a few more weeks of isolation until I have a stronger immune system.   Kristin here - I am especially grateful to al


 01.14.2023 Day 9 Now that Leila is starting to ever so slightly recover from the yucks, I'm able to reflect and enjoy some of the humor from the past few days. Here is a text I saw from Leila when I woke up this morning.  She had sent it at 2:28 am.  (Who can make any sense at that hour of the morning): "we need ti dhoe these i.  Another bag of plrelardm since I'm bleeding sign. In the nose again." Was I supposed to understand that? She's so precious when she's tired. My guess is she was trying to dictate the text but google didn't understand due to her incredibly dry mouth.  It's so dry her tongue sticks to the roof of her mouth and her lips get glued together.  Not sure what's been causing it, but it's been bad for days. No matter how much she drinks, what she drinks, or how often she uses the spray they've given, nothing seems to give her much relief. She sounds kinda drunk when she talks.  Fortunately, she doesn't get mad at me whe

0.0 Leila done lost her spunk

Day 8  01.13.2023 Friday the 13th WBC 0.0 Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages - all nil, nada, zilch, zip, zero RBC 3.4 Platelets 3.0        They gave her a bag of platelets today because her nose started bleeding.  Nothing there to help it clot. What does it look like when someone has minimal blood? This was yesterday: This was this morning: In actuality she's looked like this the majority of the past 3 days:      When asked how she was feeling, Leila told the nurse, "I feel like I am on my period, with the flu, and I ate bad sushi last night, after running a marathon in high heels."  Nothing like some good imagery to help us understand.    So, maybe she hasn't totally lost her spunk - it peeks out from time to time throughout the day.  They switched her to phenergan for the nausea today and she started having wild dreams, talking in her sleep and having mild hallucinations.  But it kept the nausea at bay.  Guess you have to choos

Round and Round We Go

Day 5           January 10, 2023 For days now we've been walking in circles.  I feel a bit like a zoo animal.  You know how they walk the same path over and over and over, wearing away the grass, breaking the tree twigs, leaving their mark on the earth.  We are certainly doing that here walking around and around the nurses station.  Since Leila can't leave this tiny unit there is nowhere else for her to  get the needed exercise to maintain her muscle strength. Although at this point I don't think she wants to wander too far from her bed.  The fatigue and weakness is increasing exponentially.  I did get outside for a walk midday to get some fresh air - it was a gorgeous day!   Hard to believe its January out there, until I see all the bare, brown trees and gray grass.    It's been kinda boring the past few days. Although, I love hanging out with Leila, no matter the circumstances.  Nothing new to report, other than her numbers are dropping precipitously, as expected.  We