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Magic Milestone Met

 Day 102 - after stem cell transplant

The magic milestone means that it's time to see how well the transplant worked. Tomorrow, April 18, 2023 Leila gets the follow up bone marrow biopsy where myeloma cells will be counted down to 10 to the 6th power.  Results will be available next week which will state either positive or negative Measurable Residual Disease (MRD). If there are fewer than 1 in a million cells -and that's what we want - it's NEGATIVE.  Here's a statement that helped us understand how there could possibly be any remaining myeloma after all that chemo. 

Myeloma cells are not easily destroyed, and some will survive, even after the high-dose chemotherapy just prior to stem cell transplant. The chemo only targets myeloma cells that are actively dividing and not the ones that are "sleeping," or out-of-cycle. Therefore, after the transplant, it is most common to receive maintenance chemotherapy to fight those myeloma cells still lingering in the body.

These last 4-6 weeks of rest and recovery have been very good for us. No chemo for Leila. No work for either of us. We've been to physical therapy for general fitness (Leila) and foot issues (Kristin). Mid-February Leila couldn't walk to the end of the block without getting winded and extremely tired. Now, 1 1/2 miles does not phase her, although steps are still a little challenging. Yet, we walk! AND, the really big news is that Leila's hair has started to grow again!

We are hoping to be able to loosen up the paranoia about eating eggs or meat that aren't well done. There's a longing for a medium rare steak and over medium eggs!! Leila is still masking when in the same room with others, so we are thankful for spring and the ability to catch up with people outside. We think Leila has made it through this period without any infections which is the biggest concern. Tomorrow we will also learn what the re-vaccination schedule will be as Leila gets all the baby shots again. Here's hoping the new immune system will be as good as the old one.

Soon, the HIP WIVES will be traveling to Orangeville, Ontario for a week of healing tai chi. Since it's been about 4 years since we've been to our home away from home, we are super excited about this trip. Photo above shows the corner of the Three Religions Temple, one of many buildings and some of the 100 acres of grounds. Below you'll see some of our tai chi family practicing a few summers ago.

group of people doing tai chi, grasp bird's tail

While on the subject, if you want to join a tai chi class for beginners in Louisville, there's one starting Sat., April 29th 4:00-5:30 PM at St. Andrew Church of Christ, 2608 Browns Lane.  Sign up here. Click Introductory Sessions then Registration for New Participants.

Good health to us all!


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