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New Year's Eve

Leila writing

Whoa, yesterday felt like a regular Saturday. Normal feels really good. 

We went to a potluck lunch with our tai chi "framily." It was so good to do a set, the 108 moves, together before we ate. It still amazes me the magic that seems to happen in my body moving in the same way that I have since 1994. Who would think something could keep my interest that long - 28 years? 

I've often wondered why I ended up with cancer after all that tai chi practice. Who really knows where it came from, and it doesn't matter to me. What I am sure of is that my diligent practice has helped me through treatment, especially after retiring. It's something I have and can do as long as there's a bit of room, Wintertime has me practicing in the living room at the front of the house. When it's between 50-85 degrees I enjoy those early, and usually dark, morning practice sessions on the front porch.

Retired and still waking up at 5am. Once a morning person, always a morning person? I think so. I get up before light year-round, so winter wake up isn't any harder than the warmer months.

Kristin here -

As this year winds down, I am grateful for the lessons of patience, letting go of worry, taking things one day at a time, not anticipating the future, and accepting loss as a part of life.  I could write a whole post on each of those topics - but that is for another time.  I'm also grateful for all the love and healing energy from so many places, near and far.  The outpouring of support has been amazing!  

I feel ready for what comes next in this journey. Being able to retire when Leila got her diagnosis has given me lots of time.  Time to rest, time to spend time together, time to plan and prepare.  The time has been invaluable.  We've had the opportunity to rest together, to go deeper and wider in our love, become more vulnerable with each other.  The closeness I feel as we step into the new year is sure to carry us through.  

Leila, my love, your bright spirit inspires me.  Your openness to receive and your willingness to be vulnerable, calls me forth into ever deeper intimacy with you.  Thank you for that.  Let's keep doing this for as many years as we are gifted together.  Let's walk this journey together - one-step-at-a-time - into eternity.  

Leila says OK!


  1. Leila and Kristin, yesterday morning (Jan 1), we had a pair of pileated woodpeckers visit us. What a blessing they were to inspire me for the new year. And they also made me think of the two of you. They watched out for each other as they fed and they took turns at the feeder letting their mate be nourished. They had traveled from afar, remaining faithful to one another and never letting any obstacle hinder their journey. You both have the right mind set to face your challenges with a great heart and fierce spirit. Hugs. Cathy


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