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Intention for chemo day 01.03.2023

Day -2

Come out, come out, wherever you are. 

May the cancer cells in Leila's blood and bone marrow welcome the chemo and receive an invitation to exit this human.


  1. Leila commenting. AOK mid-stream. I've had ice in my mouth for over two hours to protect it from damage from chemo. Feeling very well. Kristin has already been working on the next full post.

  2. Sending you both so much love today. Thank you for the updates. This is a real gift.

  3. Sending lots of love and positive healing thoughts to you and Kristin, Leila! Rooting for you!❤️

  4. Leila, I’ve had you too of mind all day. I’m so glad to hear about the ice, and the things they will do to keep you comfortable.
    I love the tattoos! You look fantastic with stubbly hair!
    Sending love , you’ve got this!

  5. Guest House is one of my favorites! And I've been envisioning holding the exit door open for the cancer cells to graciously take their leave and dissolve back into the Light. So be it!


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