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Hair. Yes, then not so much.

Leila again - Hair grows back. That's what I say to Kristin every time she cuts my hair. 

A couple of weeks ago Kristin asked Dr. Emmons what are the chances that my hair won't fall out from the high dose chemo. His answer was short - miniscule. (I will ask her to add her reason for asking). Based on what I've read and heard from my Friend4Life myeloma buddy, Peggy, I will lose my hair. Peggy told me nobody bothered to warn her before her procedure. Ugh.  Anyway, I've been trying to prepare myself for this eventuality. I appear ready. I say I'm ready. However, I am NOT ready for the chemo to cause the impending baldness. I don't want to wake up some random morning in the next couple of weeks with hair all over the pillow, or shower floor. I want to lose it on my own timing, supported by a few loving people. The day is today, early afternoon. The method, barber's clippers. I hope to morph through several different cuts. And, despite nearly everyone asking for a mohawk, nope, not in this lifetime. I have an idea to have half of my head with close stubble, and the other half the same as it is right now.

Once we have a blank canvas there will be henna for decorating what will be a white, very white scalp, a stranger to sun. 

These pictures were taken AFTER writing this.

I might reflect on this again. Or, I might just grin and bear it until it starts coming back in - likely June or July. Right when I will NOT want any hat, wig, or scarf up top. 



Kristin, Kala, Amelia, Mary - my people

Below - the crowd requested the little tuft in front.

A tiny little braid

Leila, Amelia, Catherine, Kala, Mary

Henna dots on my ear

Kristin here:
Oh, what a day it was!  So great to have a few good friends to share this event with.  We were both quite anxious about it.  Leila sure must trust me to allow me to do such a thing.  I felt honored.  The henna tattoos after were super fun.  Such creativity!  It was an emotional day, for sure, but doesn't Leila look terrific with super short hair!  Just as precious as ever!

Leila again. I love the art and after picking off the dried crumbles last night, the "tattoos" are getting to be more visible.    As you can see, I didn't want it all taken off just yet. We'll go all the way when it starts getting patchy. Until then, using one tiny dot of shampoo to wash my hair.  

Thanks to my friends and family, for all the love, and the pics!!


  1. Love the henna tattoos, Leila!💕

  2. Love the henna - and the heart on the forehead! Kudos to you for doing it your way, and with such great support in the process. Love you!


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